Sunday, March 28, 2010
♥ Love World Love Sloggi ♥
O-observe and

this is what comes in my mind when mentioned sloggi, apart from undergarments... because somehow i find the relation in this acronym with my current life.
the fact that I'm so busy and caught up with my uni's convo and masters application has put me in a position where I'm about to forget what's the true meaning of living...
I haven't had all the time in the world to stop and smell the coffee (literally), but I'm gonna ditch my caffeine for a little while to savour the goodness of nature: green tea

today onwards, everything is gonna be about peace, greenery, green, and more greens...
for short term peace of mind, I seek from the living beings confined within the 4 walls in my home...
my family of course and my dogsssss....

he can be a pest at times, stealing foods, destroying furnitures...

but he has a heart, and knows how to appreciate things in life... e.g: celebrating christmas with the world...

woofwoofwoof, merry xmas !!

so much was my love for dogs, I took part as a volunteer in SPCA and met with lotsa great people and animals as friends
now/currently/at the moment, I'm back to my mission in promoting peace with my dance... you'd be pondering on how dance could promote peace? simply, through the diversification of culture. It bridges the gaps between people’s hearts and links them together.
everyone works on a mission to perform the dance with full of passion. and passion is the drive of life.

this particular dance has a story behind it. women during ancient times are planting vegetables / plants.... this action is called loving-the-earth with more greenery (ok, i know it's kinda blur but it's a dance and we're moving around, sorry it wasn't from my cam)

apart from dancing, we had wonderful bonding sessions of friendship. hence, the outing in Sungai Gabai in Hulu Langat, long way up to the waterfalls, but it was cooling and beautiful...and most importantly, we helped each other to make our ways up to our destination!!~

sisterhood/ brotherhood

see, all things beautiful are not only found abroad but also, in our own motherland

and nature is and will be unforgiving (aftermaths) to those who hurt its Mother (Nature)

not only dance cultivates friendship, it also diversifies our culture and paints a colourful world

human formation only by Soka Gakkai Malaysia, a non-government organization in efforts to promote peace, education and culture.
this performance was grandly conducted during the nations' birthday (Merdeka ~!!~) in the presence of our PM
only with cooperation and teamwork, this human formation is possible. akin to humans' efforts in preserving the earth, it all starts with the efforts of each individual...
so tell me how am i supposed to not love the world for what it has given me.... to build my potential holistically, to learn to love, to learn to learn and to learn to give...
just like how generous Sloggi is giving away prizes worth more than RM15,000!
it's so simple you just need to share with the world what you love about it, and you get to win
Grand Prize x5: RM 2000 cash + Sloggi products
worth RM 135 + Sloggi voucher worth RM 50
Consolation Prize x20: Origins products worth
RM250 + Sloggi products worth RM135 (redemption
letter to counter) + Sloggi voucher worth RM50
click here for more info on Sloggi !!~
wow, now I'm inspired to wear undergarments made from recycled items to show my ♥ for Mother Nature.

I could even wear it to dance !~ very-the-inspiring
thanks Sloggi !!!!!

even fishes love you (and me)
O-observe and

this is what comes in my mind when mentioned sloggi, apart from undergarments... because somehow i find the relation in this acronym with my current life.
the fact that I'm so busy and caught up with my uni's convo and masters application has put me in a position where I'm about to forget what's the true meaning of living...
I haven't had all the time in the world to stop and smell the coffee (literally), but I'm gonna ditch my caffeine for a little while to savour the goodness of nature: green tea

for short term peace of mind, I seek from the living beings confined within the 4 walls in my home...
my family of course and my dogsssss....

he can be a pest at times, stealing foods, destroying furnitures...

but he has a heart, and knows how to appreciate things in life... e.g: celebrating christmas with the world...

woofwoofwoof, merry xmas !!

the newborn(s)

yin yin and yang yang... from "yin and yang" which means harmony

even a pup is born with a heart ( on his head)

so much was my love for dogs, I took part as a volunteer in SPCA and met with lotsa great people and animals as friends
now/currently/at the moment, I'm back to my mission in promoting peace with my dance... you'd be pondering on how dance could promote peace? simply, through the diversification of culture. It bridges the gaps between people’s hearts and links them together.
everyone works on a mission to perform the dance with full of passion. and passion is the drive of life.

♥ dance ♥ life

this particular dance has a story behind it. women during ancient times are planting vegetables / plants.... this action is called loving-the-earth with more greenery (ok, i know it's kinda blur but it's a dance and we're moving around, sorry it wasn't from my cam)

apart from dancing, we had wonderful bonding sessions of friendship. hence, the outing in Sungai Gabai in Hulu Langat, long way up to the waterfalls, but it was cooling and beautiful...and most importantly, we helped each other to make our ways up to our destination!!~

sisterhood/ brotherhood

see, all things beautiful are not only found abroad but also, in our own motherland

and nature is and will be unforgiving (aftermaths) to those who hurt its Mother (Nature)

not only dance cultivates friendship, it also diversifies our culture and paints a colourful world

human formation only by Soka Gakkai Malaysia, a non-government organization in efforts to promote peace, education and culture.
this performance was grandly conducted during the nations' birthday (Merdeka ~!!~) in the presence of our PM
only with cooperation and teamwork, this human formation is possible. akin to humans' efforts in preserving the earth, it all starts with the efforts of each individual...
so tell me how am i supposed to not love the world for what it has given me.... to build my potential holistically, to learn to love, to learn to learn and to learn to give...
just like how generous Sloggi is giving away prizes worth more than RM15,000!

Grand Prize x5: RM 2000 cash + Sloggi products
worth RM 135 + Sloggi voucher worth RM 50
Consolation Prize x20: Origins products worth
RM250 + Sloggi products worth RM135 (redemption
letter to counter) + Sloggi voucher worth RM50
click here for more info on Sloggi !!~
wow, now I'm inspired to wear undergarments made from recycled items to show my ♥ for Mother Nature.

I could even wear it to dance !~ very-the-inspiring
now I can rely on Sloggi as my best friend to protect / secure me from the inside, so I could dance confidently and work harder together in the mission to love the world and do even more!!!~~~ ♥ ♥ ♥

even fishes love you (and me)
malaysian chics
ex angels...
this is WHY internal beauty is eternal... cause no matter how beautiful you once were, you'll end up looking like this....

p/s: this site got lotsa lengluis... most of them are very the young... drool over them as much as you wanna, before they wrinkled and grown old like this ... after all, we're all humans...
this is WHY internal beauty is eternal... cause no matter how beautiful you once were, you'll end up looking like this....

p/s: this site got lotsa lengluis... most of them are very the young... drool over them as much as you wanna, before they wrinkled and grown old like this ... after all, we're all humans...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
another one of the jap's
sushi tei @ tropicana city mall
whoever is the copycat /sisterhood of one another, IT IS the other version of a more exorbitant sushi zanmai..

whateveryoucalledthis: it's raw tuna (which is pretty tasteless unlike salmon)

this is the star of all dishes... i like bigbig juicy roes .. pops in your mouth and the juices from these eggs filled your taste-buds with much goodness in it

macro scene half screwed up... too closed up without much focus.. i failed max T______T

now this is gorgeous... it looks gorrrgeousss.... not that it tastes that amazingly like how i described it looks.... the soft shell crab ain't crispy... it is , well, soffftttt!!~
but since it looked so pretty , i pretend it's half as edible as it looks... (in my cam that is >< )
the portion for small is REALLY small..... i was quite taken aback because...
i was expecting the size to be akin to zanmai's... apparently, not...
so, i didn't take many pics. cause the food is simple, nothing.much.special. and we didn't order much stuff so there was nothing to rave about.
plus, the price was higher than zanmai's.
for instance, a cuppa green tea here is rm 2 whilst you can get it @ zanmai for rm 1 only. not that it's a big difference. but sum it all up, okay that was quite a difference lor...
another setback was that the menu didn't offer much an array of choices.
esp DRINKS.... where's my ice blended matcha? no, you do not have it ~!!!
oh nvm, i guess i will make a return to sushi tei,
if i'm that famished and almost starved to bones... or other silly shops are closed and this is my last resort so yeah, i'm shall make a comeback... if not, i'll just settle my arse in one of the few good jap rest-stops (punned) ...
btw, i noticed a few of good shops initially taste great. after it became so-called fehmuz the quality deteriorates into quite a drastic change. why can't they ever maintain the quality?
i supposed the prices of food are hiked up and it's either they need to substitute the good ingredients to lower grade ones with lower/ equal pricing OR increase the price of the menu by maintaining their standards.... wtf....
Monday, March 22, 2010
good morning malaysia
good morning to sleepy me..
McD staffs are as sleepy as me... they're not awake.
they're half asleep whilst taking my orders ..
why ?

cause i ordered for a cuppa cofFEE not TEA .... i said cofFeeeeee
and the lady heard it as TEA so she got me teeeeaaaaa...
does it sound alike? maybe it does if you're half asleep whilst you're working on the morning shift...
hope you didn't scald your hands whilst pouring hot drinks... warning: HOT!!! ~~~pssstf
McD staffs are as sleepy as me... they're not awake.
they're half asleep whilst taking my orders ..
why ?

cause i ordered for a cuppa cofFEE not TEA .... i said cofFeeeeee
and the lady heard it as TEA so she got me teeeeaaaaa...
does it sound alike? maybe it does if you're half asleep whilst you're working on the morning shift...
hope you didn't scald your hands whilst pouring hot drinks... warning: HOT!!! ~~~pssstf
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I'm going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair...
whoa , he's so handsome and yeng you can see him
see how his body works...
so smooth even smoother than smooth criminal... see how he does it with that oomph of freshness in him~~!!

no sweat !!

that's his secret of keeping himself smelling good at all times despite his busyyyy schedule...

secret exposed !! the complete range from deodorant to hair gel... anything under the roof to keep him looking good. plus, he's sponsored gao !~
and he prolly will be at the following place performing his skills of art... chio!~
Date: 17th April 2010
Time: 10am till 5pm
Venue: Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.
girls can drool over his good looks , if not for his hair

thanks to Gatsby , he's so handsome and lengzai can *drool
not only you can savour this fella, for guys out there whom hated this guy for being so good-looking you prolly can catch up with a buncha hot chicks...

if that doesn't satisfy your needs and you're up for more, try winning some goodies (real cool ones) up to RM15,000 up for grabs!
how? lucky draw of course... maybe Takuya and the girls could be your lucky charm ~
in addition , if you're feeling bored and need to shift your eyes away from way-too-good-looking-peeps, you can hop on in to join the fun-fair games on that day...
how fun is fun you asked ?

Sumo Wrestling
added advantage if you're trained like this dude; sure can win
added advantage if you're trained like this dude; sure can win

if you're scrawny, then they have air bag suits to help you win!
(wah, so cute~ akin to milo fuze ,if you've watched the adverts before)
(wah, so cute~ akin to milo fuze ,if you've watched the adverts before)

Gladiator battles
whoa, no need to be so dramatic like this la... not asking you to kill oso...
whoa, no need to be so dramatic like this la... not asking you to kill oso...
and, and other amusing and addictive games you would expect.... how not to be fun ??!!
you gotta be kidding me... you think so easy ah sumo wrestling and glads battle... take it with pleasure if you lose and if you win, don't forget to thank Takuya Kimura and his girls...
if you ever lose, take it as a body/ overall exercise after your eye candy since you can't just solely exercise your eyes, period...
by now, you SHOULD be excited for this coming event. can't wait ?
Head on to this site to test if you're up to the challenge. try it ... it's very the fun, i do not kid you !!!! come on, prove that you're more man than takuya ...
if till now, you still have no idea what i'm blabbering about, i suggest you to google on Gatsby or if you can take no reading....
please consume more sweet Takuya Kimura candy for your goodness sake ... so many flavours to choose from... don't say i didn't warn about overdosing it ...
p/s: i got an update from Takuya's PA and she said he prolly couldn't make it on the 17th of April but he sends his regards to all whom will attend this event... ONLY to those whom attend...so please attend... loves from Takuya and his girls...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
to keep fit ..
so i'll lose those flabs and tone up... or maybe i'll just lose those bits. so i'm gonna jog as a routine ! 3 times a week. min 2 or once.
tell people oso won't believe lor.. if i attend morning classes they're shocked. if i ever attend certain classes oso shocked !
so telling them i'm jogging 3 times A WEEK is like telling them i did boob job =.=
as an average me, i wish to get those toned bod.... is soooo blardy the hard .. but is not impossible... but it is kinda at the moment coz i cannot afford gym unless some peep wanna sponsor me T______________T
i wan a hot bod to complement pretty dresses... i wan pretty dresses cause imma gal... imma gal so i wanna look pretty FML
digressing to pretty dresses, i hate it when some people always get the best when it comes to fashion ..
i know it's 1st come 1st serve basis , but hey why is it snapped up so fast ?
you all wait in front of the screen all the time wan ah ?
or tweet 24/7 ?
or check the same blardy page like 100 times ???
see this :-->

so pretty but too bad IS NOT MINE ...
i wanna hoard it from you !! ~
if i see it else where i don't care how pricey it is i want... don't la rm 200 for one piece like that T___T
fainted... i hate you quick.birdies...
tell people oso won't believe lor.. if i attend morning classes they're shocked. if i ever attend certain classes oso shocked !
so telling them i'm jogging 3 times A WEEK is like telling them i did boob job =.=
as an average me, i wish to get those toned bod.... is soooo blardy the hard .. but is not impossible... but it is kinda at the moment coz i cannot afford gym unless some peep wanna sponsor me T______________T
i wan a hot bod to complement pretty dresses... i wan pretty dresses cause imma gal... imma gal so i wanna look pretty FML
digressing to pretty dresses, i hate it when some people always get the best when it comes to fashion ..
i know it's 1st come 1st serve basis , but hey why is it snapped up so fast ?
you all wait in front of the screen all the time wan ah ?
or tweet 24/7 ?
or check the same blardy page like 100 times ???
see this :-->

RM 45 only including postage lor ... how can !
so pretty but too bad IS NOT MINE ...
i wanna hoard it from you !! ~
if i see it else where i don't care how pricey it is i want... don't la rm 200 for one piece like that T___T
fainted... i hate you quick.birdies...
skipped class
and felt shitty about it so i'm sulking at my bad.bad.bad decision
currently digging at all those things from the-past which I'd missed or been missing about it and SHOULD be missing about it ...


and my straightlong now-longer hair
honestly, straight hair's easier to manage since your hair fall less and you don't need to slab half as much of products unlike curls.
but I'm not complaining 'cause i think my curls are awesome till now... just that i think i need more sponsorship on hair products T______T
next's up : bimbos guide to: (cheapskate hair)???
currently digging at all those things from the-past which I'd missed or been missing about it and SHOULD be missing about it ...

(that gal at the upper most left has left (so punny) for US, so syok and fun i-hate-you 

and my straight
honestly, straight hair's easier to manage since your hair fall less and you don't need to slab half as much of products unlike curls.
but I'm not complaining 'cause i think my curls are awesome till now... just that i think i need more sponsorship on hair products T______T
next's up : bimbos guide to: (cheapskate hair)???
Sunday, March 14, 2010
is the best pet foodrest

RM 10.9 for one set

didn't take much pics cause was starving like an elephant... beh tahan liao
green curry set RM 8.9
(yeah really it's that cheap + with drinks)
i neeeed....

green curry set RM 8.9
(yeah really it's that cheap + with drinks)
i neeeed....

krachiap herbal tea
(with lotsa vit C and don't know what else)

left: pandan drink , right: krachiap
basically, that's the only name i can remember cause it's duo-syllabic unlike other alienate terms of thai..
i rate: 9/10
service super fast.. cause i bet they must have cooked in bulk b4 serving us. but it's served hot so i don't mind .... this is def the place to be if you're famished.
taste: i ordered green curry ... unlike those i've tried, this one is thick in gravy and full of flavors. i esp like the not-so-big green beans in it... soft and sweet
tried a lil from my friend's .... hers was not bad at all.. not spicy despite the reddish colour.... if you can't tahan pedas like my friend you can try this...
basically everything in the menu is RM 8.9 unless it is stated otherwise.
the set lunch ONLY available from 12pm - 3 pm !!
this place is quite packed during lunch hour with office ppl flowing in... and i heard from a friend of mine, some would travel from other places just to savour the dishes here (yao mou?)
there's NO set dinner... so if you were to dine in after 3 pm... you'd find yourself staring at the prices in the menu... not really if you're a big thai fan... the prices roughly akin to those in the sushi bar like sushi tei ?
i wouldn't pay that much to eat thai food frankly... not my cuppa coffee...
so if you're curious hope on over to
elephant thai restaurant
happy mansion
block C (opposite the sek ren)
jalan 17/13
seksyen 17
use your gps if you have one... but really it's not that hard to locate
sushi tei's next
p/s: flickr uploader is superbly awesome. can't do without it ! 3 hearts for it ♥♥♥♥ oops extra one as courtesy... that's how much i adore it
so delighted must put bigbig lmao ~
Saturday, March 13, 2010
smile patty (punned) ronron smile

btw, i think flickr uploads faster than photobucket. i don't know why. but i'm gonna switch to flickr from now onwards because i had just downloaded the mighty flickr uploader for a heftier uploading in the near future.
now i'm smiling like ronnie
now i'm smiling like ronnie

my  nails  are  rotting ¿
so is my unruly rambut and eyes...
notice the dark circles?
i need a goood remedy.. as natural as possible...
don't ask me go meditate, time is tiktoking ..
but i'm still waiting for photobucket to upload my friggin slow pics.and after all the waiting...
i forgot to rotate the pic... FML ~
notice the dark circles?
i need a goood remedy.. as natural as possible...
don't ask me go meditate, time is tiktoking ..
but i'm still waiting for photobucket to upload my friggin slow pics.and after all the waiting...

i forgot to rotate the pic... FML ~
Sunday, March 7, 2010
the smell of fresh puppy & & &
cream puffs !!!~

for that wholesome goodness to kick start my moody days ...
and some that made me go =(
kfc so kiamsiap... how to do biz phui
or turned me off into a moody bite-atch ...
and once that happens, (if i'm so bloated and full) i'll turn to my kyokyo to sniff his puppy-ish fur....

grean tea flavored
(i love green tea. genuine taste of freshness. I hate fakes but this has its own subtlety that you literally can taste the bitterness of it. chio~)

(i love green tea. genuine taste of freshness. I hate fakes but this has its own subtlety that you literally can taste the bitterness of it. chio~)

(ps: taken by dangerous driver. I'm road hogging whilst trying to snap this up. I need to snap this up in that instant, so impulsive. worst than shopaholics)

with ipoh white coffee

coupled with Milano Double Choco
(so creamy and filled with bursting goodness of oozing choco)

those things that made me go =)(ipoh white coffee will only tastes like ipoh IF you have it there. there are no other places to find that exquisite taste and the next best thing you can try to hoard is along the Penang streets.btw, this pic is taken using sony's hp.hence, the blurry resolution =P )

coupled with Milano Double Choco
(so creamy and filled with bursting goodness of oozing choco)

for that wholesome goodness to kick start my moody days ...
and some that made me go =(

or turned me off into a moody bite-atch ...
and once that happens, (if i'm so bloated and full) i'll turn to my kyokyo to sniff his puppy-ish fur....

useless post
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