Sunday, February 7, 2010

it sucks...

to know that you're treating your closest friend, just to find out that she/ he doesn't treat you the same as how you felt.

to know that whatever you've done was not appreciated... although they claimed they do (actions speak louder than words- cliche but it does make sense anytime !)

to know that it doesn't matter if you have known your bestie for a longer period of time than the others, but she / he still kept others closely, deep down their hearts.

to help people without feelings or to clap one sided to yourself.

to know that you'll never feel the same anymore and you'll be looking at things at a whole new level.

just to simply changed yourself, not wanting a commitment in friendships anymore. cause friendships never actually last.... not until you met a*true* friend...

it's my bad luck

*blogger is emo-ing. just a thought or two I'd like to share. no hard feelings.nobody in no comments.peace~

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